Quality Control and Compliance :

HSE policy statement :

All Larsa's operations, methods, and procedures adhere to International Standards, and we adhere to the International Code of Conduct (ICoC) for Private Security Companies. As a progressive PSC, we have set a business milestone of reaching ICoC certified status within the next two years.
Larsa holds the necessary security and movement licences to operate country wide as a compliant and registered PSC.
The Larsa Country Management Team has developed an ISO management systems framework accredited by an international body:
• ANSI/ASIS PSC.1-2012 Management Systems for Quality of Private Security Company Operations
• ISO 45001 Health & Safety Management System
• ISO 18788:2015 Management Systems for PSC
• ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management system
• ISO 45001: 2018 Health and Safety Management system
Thinking following and complying with international standards

Operating in remote and challenging areas of the region creates health and safety challenges which Larsa takes seriously in all its operations—conducting comprehensive risk assessments and implementing practical control measures to minimize risk as much as possible. Larsa follows international safety and occupational health standards. Larsa Country Management is responsible for ensuring that the safety process, practice structure, equipment supervision, and training are in place to protect clients and employees from a workplace injury or illness. Before starting any job, all personnel undergo Stop & Think risk assessments. As a result, all Larsa personnel realize how important it is to work in a safe environment, with minimized risk and protocols that put lives and safety first.
Larsa considers the protection of the environment as a critical factor when implementing new projects. The aim is to conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable development in the regions it operates in by protecting the local people, minimizing harm to the local environment and working in cooperation with local communities. Therefore, operations are set up with a green priority adopting policies to mitigate the impact on the environment and set the necessary Key Environmental Performance Indicators.

Establish and implement a Health and Safety Management System, including a designated Company Safety Officer, to manage the risks associated with our premises and activities.
Regularly monitor our performance and revise our Health and Safety Management System as necessary to ensure we achieve our objective of continuous improvement.
Provide sufficient resources to meet the requirements of current Health and Safety legislation and aim to achieve the standards of 'Good Practice' applicable to our activities.
Actively promote an open attitude to Health and Safety issues, encouraging staff to identify and report hazards so that we can all contribute to creating and maintaining a safe working environment.
Communicate, consult with staff on all issues affecting their health and safety, and, in doing so, bring this policy to their attention. Provide adequate training for our staff to enable them to work safely and effectively, and to ensure they are competent and confident in the work they carry out.
Carry out and regularly review risk assessments to identify hazards and existing control measures. Then, we will prioritize, plan, and complete any corrective actions required to reduce risk to an acceptable level.
Maintain our premises and work equipment to a standard that ensures any identified HSE risk is reduced.
Ensure that responsibilities for Health and Safety are allocated, understood, monitored and fulfilled.
Retain access to competent advice and assistance through the support of Croner, thereby ensuring that we are aware of relevant changes in legislation and 'Good Practice'.
Co-operate with other organizations to ensure that they are aware of any risks to their staff and other people posed by our activities, that we are aware of any risk to our staff from their activities, and that we comply with the relevant requirements of the legislation.
It is the duty of all of us when at work:
• To take reasonable care of our safety
• To take reasonable care of the safety of others who may be affected by what we do.
• To co-operate so that we can all comply with our legal duties
• To ensure we do not interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety.

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